The deck is dazzle, fish-stink, gauze-covered buckets. Gelatinous ingots, rainbows of wet flinching amethyst and flubbed, iridescent cream. All this means he’s better; and working on a haul of lumpen light. Polyps, plankton, jellyfish. Sea butterflies, the pteropods. ‘So low in the scale of nature, exquisite in their forms! You wonder at so much beauty – created, apparently, for such little purpose!’ They lower his creel to blue pores of subtropical ocean. Wave-flicker, white as a gun-flash over the blown heart of sapphire. Peacock eyes, beaten and swollen, tossing on lazuline steel. This was written by Ruth Padel, a descendant of Charles Darwin. In commemoration of Darwin's bicentennial and the sequential of the Origin of Species, she has produced a book of poetry inspired by his writings - Darwin a life in poems. Here is what she has to say about this poem in particular: "This marks the moment when... Read more →