The origin of Messing About In Sailboats

  • The original quote is from Kenneth Grahame's Wind In the Willows: "There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

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December 04, 2012



Why not? It worked, didn't it?

John Davey

Nah, he left his sailing bag on the dock.


I hope the bike was OK.


I hope his privates were okay. You can always get another bike.


Actually, after watching a few more times, the landing could have been a lot worse. And, he was wearing a helmet.

o docker

What an idiot!

Doesn't he realize motorcycle boots leave black marks all over the deck?

Alan Boreham/Beer in the Bilges

How did there happen to be a camera running?! So much has happened on boats I've crewed that I'd have loved to have a camera on...


And he had his helmet all ready for going sailing. All the cool sailors wear helmets.


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