How's that headline for a grabber!
Of late I have become obsessively interested in ways to bed deck hardware correctly. Everyone has a different way of doing it. "Use 5200" "Never use 5200", "Sand away residue", "Don't sand you'll do more damage", etc.
This article suggested by Dan Kim of Adriftatsea is excellent. The premise is throw out our epoxy sealants, especially 5200, aka Satan's Glue and use butyl tape.
OK, embarrassing confession #1. I had no idea what butyl tape is but after reading this article I am going out to buy the biggest roll I can find.
The other thing the author (he worked at Morris Yachts so he has cred in my book) waxes on about is the importance of countersinking the hole. The smartest guy in my yard is a contractor by the name of Joel. He shared this same important tip with me a few weeks ago. I stared at him blankly.
Embarrassing confession #2, I didn't know if countersinking was something you did in the bath or a new dance craze. This article, explains what it is and why it's so damned important. I have religion on that point.
Oh yeah, the author also takes a shot at Don Casey. Wow! In England, that's like being rude about the Queen.
I switched over to the butyl tape method a year ago based on old SailNet post by MaineSail and have to agree that the stuff is magic for sealing things so long as you create the gaps for the tape to smoosh into.
I ordered my roll, which at current usage rates will probably be a nearly-lifetime supply, from an RV supply Web site for about $20.
He also did an outstanding post on how to seal through-deck holes, too, including nice cut-aways of different methods so you can see why the Nigel Calder "just ream around in the core with a bend nail or allen wrench" method is a Really Bad Idea unless you make your living repairing wet core.
He has a wealth of knowledge at
Posted by: Chandler Howell | April 06, 2011 at 12:01 PM
This is without a doubt The Most Controversial Article I Will Ever Read About Bedding Deck Hardware.
Posted by: Tillerman | April 06, 2011 at 12:31 PM
I bought some of this stuff and I will tell you how I get on
Posted by: Adam Turinas | April 06, 2011 at 09:06 PM
Just a point of clarification. I never worked at Morris. I have friends who have worked at Morris, Hinckley & Lyman Morse among others but I never have. Sorry that was not clear in the article. I was taught the bevel technique by a friend at Hinckley back in the 1980's.
My shot at Don Casey is more about the technique than the individual as I highly respect Don's work and dedication to the community!
Doing a proper tighten twice is nowhere near as easy as he makes it sound thus thousands of boats with wet decks who have attempted the tighten twice method. If done properly it CAN work. I just rarely, if ever, see it done properly..
-Compass Marine
Posted by: Compass Marine | April 28, 2011 at 11:42 AM