The origin of Messing About In Sailboats

  • The original quote is from Kenneth Grahame's Wind In the Willows: "There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

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February 02, 2009



I hit 45 last year, also, in May. Kris and I had our family meeting last September and picked our date to go for 2014. I look forward to seeing you out there!

Adam Turinas

It's a plan Greg!


45 coming up here too...... good luck with chasing that dream.

The hardest bit of life is working out of all the possible things you could do which is the best for you.

Surely there can't be many things better than sailing the Caribbean


Oh, and just done a tagging thing to you. Explanations on my blog or frogma where Bonnie did me.


That's a fine goal, Adam...all the best! Hopefully we can discuss it in person on Thursday.

Fatty Goodlander

I hope our wakes cross, Ken.

Giana Forzareli

Wow, what a life! When I lived in Brigantine, I loved watching the sails fill the inlet between Atlantic City and Brigantine. Sailing looks like my next adventure. I realize it takes a while to learn, but you inspired me to look into it. I am always looking for adventure; so last year my brother and I made it a point to find a challenge. We decided on attempting to round Cape Horn . Not only did we find out that Charles Darwin was there but we saw the power and beauty of the Patagonian landscape. We took the less dangerous route and accomplished our tour on a large ship. We used Lenadura Australis. Their crew was experience and offered great maritime tales.I cant wait to use your story as motivation to take up some sailing. Thanks!

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