The origin of Messing About In Sailboats

  • The original quote is from Kenneth Grahame's Wind In the Willows: "There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

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April 11, 2008



Forget this dreadful music. This is more interesting:

Salty Bob

I have been looking forward to the Song for a Friday more and more. Thanks. And don't apologize for these sappy ones. The mix is good.
But I'm at a loss as to how the two are connected though. Clues?

Adam Turinas

Watch the commitments video really hard

Juan Bongo

You mean that Hansard plays guitar on both? Seems to be a different guitar, but it's the same guy.

Adam Turinas

We have a winner! Yes Hansard was in the Commitments. He was the guitar player, Outspan. Anyne know why he was called Outspan

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