The origin of Messing About In Sailboats

  • The original quote is from Kenneth Grahame's Wind In the Willows: "There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

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October 22, 2007



Hilarious. I have to admit that my favorite is "If it doesn't come when you call it, why name it".

Reminds me for some reason of a certain well-known Laser sailor who had a dog named Skipper. Whenever he entered a regatta and on the registration form there was a box for "Name of Skipper" he always wrote... SKIPPER.


"Something witty and original" was one of the best I'd heard, but it was trumped by two of my friends who entered a laser event in their respective fleets and changed their own names rather than their boats.

Much confusion ensued as the committee tried to locate Ray Dialrig and Stan Dardrig in the dinghy park.


"Something witty and original" was one of the best I'd heard, but it was trumped by two of my friends who entered a laser event in their respective fleets and changed their own names rather than their boats.

Much confusion ensued as the committee tried to locate Ray Dialrig and Stan Dardrig in the dinghy park.


My favorite boat name is the "Never Again 2."

Salty Dog

My favorite, spotted on the California Delta:
"Cirrhosis of the River"


I can't explain why but by far this one cracked me up to the point of tears!

Shoot Low They're Riding Chickens

This entire post is far too funny.


working for a gov't contractor, I found "Change Order" with the dinghy named "original contract" to be hysterical.


My fav boat names are Port-a-Party and FUBAR


Great compilation!

I've seen a boat called "Itchy and Scratchy" in Hälsingborg, Sweden.


best one i ever saw was a boat i almost bought. it was a flying11 and the bloke who was tryin to sell it was a mate of mine who spent most of his time in the piss. so he painted the bottem part of the hull which was under water bright yellow and called it 'sunny side up'


Used to go with a friend out of Gainesville, Fl. We usually launched the boat at Cedar Key, Fl or Suwannee, Fl. The name of the boat was/is "Wet Dream". It was always a fishing trip offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.

Boating Equipment

Dumbest one I've seen is "Iceberg Straight Ahead!"


haha i am so happy as i am lim yu yuan.




Some funny boat names I've seen... Key of Sea, Time Thief, Dilligaf (do I look like I give a f---), Hard Drive, Lawn Dart, and Aquadisiac. The first two are powerboats - the others are all sailboats of varying lengths.

Joe Smoe

I have a friend who named their sailboat "Mr. Windy"

Joe Smoe

How about "Have you seen my dinghy?"

t buffer

I once devised the extremely irritating boat name "Boy And Sea"


My favourite is "Maid of Plywood?"


I saw a Catalina 22 Class racer called Chicken Ship. I liked the name, as with all racing vechicles wild and crazy names are just as much apart of them,as speed is.

P.S. These guys are good racers.

Scott Studer

I wish your sister was this wet.


I saw a boat called SHIPFACED in Cuttyhunk last summer.


I liked "Off like a prom dress" on a 470
and "Holder Ears" on a Holder 20.

p.s. the guys on chicken ship aren't that good.

Peter Belenky

I'm amused by "Waning Planker" here:

A clever (and slightly vulgar) pun on both words. An aging (waning) sliding-seat (planker) racing (planing) canoe. I default to you for the last word.

"The Highland Laddie Funboat" (a yacht berthed at Largs -sorry who ever it belongs to, but its not the coolest name I've ever seen)

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