The original quote is from Kenneth Grahame's Wind In the Willows: "There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
Alt_Too%20Hot%20To%20Trot%20competing%20in%20Sports%20Boats%20Day%204%20(Bruce%20Tardrew%20and%20Eric%20Knowles'%20Lyons)_Std, originally uploaded by Deep-six. c/o Flckr
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If you have not seen Marine Blast, it's worth checking out. It's run by a bunch of Scottish guys who run an anti-fouling shop. They collect some great sailing and boating videos and put their own shall we say earthy spin on them. You have to watch the Porsche designed Fearless speedboat video. One of the Marine Blast guys describes it perfectly as the "Dogs Bollocks". I blew coffee out of my nose. A
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