A few weeks ago, I asked for submissions for the Stupidest Boat Names and I was not disappointed. These are beauties. Thank You! This would not of course had been possible without the support of the awesome Scuttlebutt. I have tried to categorize them and they have been unscientifically grouped in a totally subjective way that made sense to me after a few beers. I haven't figured my 3 favorites yet but when I do the submitters get CDs of the Top 10 Sailing Songs. The original list, culled from several web sites, is in the extended posts. If you have any other names to suggest, I will happily add them. Here they are: Appalling Puns "Hot Ruddered Bum" "Si yes da" "L.L. Boat" "Sail Bad The Sinner" "Bow Down" "Sexual Heeling" "Ahoy Vey" "Yacht Sea" "Makin' Luff" Financial "A Crewed Interest" "Myovadraft" "The Loan Ranger" "Colin's Tuition" Medical "Biopsea"... Read more →