The origin of Messing About In Sailboats

  • The original quote is from Kenneth Grahame's Wind In the Willows: "There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

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March 26, 2007



Currency Lad VII. I really like the name Currency Lad, but the fact that the first six iterations of Currency Lad were already taken makes this boat much more meaningful.

Peter McGrath

Anyone who calls their boat aquaholic should have it confiscated on the spot.

Joe Rouse

I need a bottle of sake after reading that list!

Adam Turinas

They are bloody tragic. At the risk of being called a sailing snob, do we think that these might be motor-boaters. Aquaholic? More like Aquamoron

Joe Rouse

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's never nice to call anyone a motorboater... at least not until one has had his fill of sake.


My previous boat: Lady Bug Too (yes she was red, and yes there was a previous Ladybug)


Well... my first boat I felt like it was really a I called it MyOtt, despite its modest size.

2nd boat, MyOtt2.

3d boat, Kairos
4th boat, thinking of calling her "Down Friday", since I mostly sail her on holiday (what we call down) Fridays... but not sure the "Down" is a good word.. ? What do you think of "Down Friday" (She's a Hobie 16)


My first boat, a 14-foot dinghy, was purchased at the same time that I purchased my first home. In order to buy the boat, I blew the funds I had budgeted for installing air-conditioning in the house. So, I named the boat "Central Air." I love the name so much that I carried it forward to my second boat, a Catalina 18!


You want some crook boat names.
How about......"Gross Misconduct" specially if you've got Sail No 69.
A suggested name for a new Etchell gel-coated black......."It's Pink Inside"


I have long had a penchant for stupid boat names. I currently have two Lasers named "Uncle Beastley" and "Mudguts". Previous boats include A Lasert named "Panic" (Name written upside down on the transom). Also a tin dinghy named "Jock's trap".

Cap'n Larry and Saltwater Suzi

Our first boat we named Harbinger (promise of things to come) because when we bought it it was our intention to buy a larger boat and move aboard and go cruising. Our next boat - which we now live aboard - we named Kanau (Ka-NAH-ou)a name which we found in a marlinspike manual. The Japanese Success Knot looks like a square on one side and a plus on the other - in cuneiform (sp?) the plus and the square spell the word Kanau which means "a dream fulfilled" We've lived aboard for 10 years and cruised all over the Chesapeake; to Florida 4 times and to the Bahamas twice. Kanau, our 1977 Morgan Out Island 41, has served us well, while she has undergone extensive modifications and upgrades. A few pictures can be seen on one of our websites:

Cap'n Larry and Saltwater Suzi

Our first boat we named Harbinger (promise of things to come) because when we bought it it was our intention to buy a larger boat and move aboard and go cruising. Our next boat - which we now live aboard - we named Kanau (Ka-NAH-ou)a name which we found in a marlinspike manual. The Japanese Success Knot looks like a square on one side and a plus on the other - in cuneiform (sp?) the plus and the square spell the word Kanau which means "a dream fulfilled" We've lived aboard for 10 years and cruised all over the Chesapeake; to Florida 4 times and to the Bahamas twice. Kanau, our 1977 Morgan Out Island 41, has served us well, while she has undergone extensive modifications and upgrades. A few pictures can be seen on one of our websites:


My all time (?)favorite(?) power boat name is: Master Baiter. No one gets our boat's name, LaLeLu. It's a German lullaby and of course there's a story that goes along with it, but I won't bore you with that. It is nice having the distinction of being the only USCG documented boat named LaLeLu. Can't say it's not original. Cheers! Susan

Boating Equipment

Knot Working is kinda funny, lol


how about Airgasm, Dip Ship or The Woman to Blame

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