According to Boat US the '2006 Top Ten List of Most Popular Boat Names:
1.) Aquaholic
2.) Second Wind
3.) Reel Time
4.) Hakuna Matata
5.) Happy Hours
6.) Knot Working
7.) Life is Good
8.) Plan B
9.) Second Chance
10.) Pura Vida
What a bunch of crap names. You can see the list of Really Stupid Names here.
Currency Lad VII. I really like the name Currency Lad, but the fact that the first six iterations of Currency Lad were already taken makes this boat much more meaningful.
Posted by: Edward | March 26, 2007 at 06:03 PM
Anyone who calls their boat aquaholic should have it confiscated on the spot.
Posted by: Peter McGrath | March 30, 2007 at 05:52 PM
I need a bottle of sake after reading that list!
Posted by: Joe Rouse | March 31, 2007 at 01:24 PM
They are bloody tragic. At the risk of being called a sailing snob, do we think that these might be motor-boaters. Aquaholic? More like Aquamoron
Posted by: Adam Turinas | March 31, 2007 at 02:15 PM
Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's never nice to call anyone a motorboater... at least not until one has had his fill of sake.
Posted by: Joe Rouse | April 01, 2007 at 02:03 AM
My previous boat: Lady Bug Too (yes she was red, and yes there was a previous Ladybug)
Posted by: Bjorn | July 18, 2007 at 10:14 AM
Well... my first boat I felt like it was really a I called it MyOtt, despite its modest size.
2nd boat, MyOtt2.
3d boat, Kairos
4th boat, thinking of calling her "Down Friday", since I mostly sail her on holiday (what we call down) Fridays... but not sure the "Down" is a good word.. ? What do you think of "Down Friday" (She's a Hobie 16)
Posted by: Wobesan | August 09, 2007 at 09:46 PM
My first boat, a 14-foot dinghy, was purchased at the same time that I purchased my first home. In order to buy the boat, I blew the funds I had budgeted for installing air-conditioning in the house. So, I named the boat "Central Air." I love the name so much that I carried it forward to my second boat, a Catalina 18!
Posted by: Christy | August 11, 2007 at 01:40 PM
You want some crook boat names.
How about......"Gross Misconduct" specially if you've got Sail No 69.
A suggested name for a new Etchell gel-coated black......."It's Pink Inside"
Posted by: Steve | October 04, 2007 at 10:43 PM
I have long had a penchant for stupid boat names. I currently have two Lasers named "Uncle Beastley" and "Mudguts". Previous boats include A Lasert named "Panic" (Name written upside down on the transom). Also a tin dinghy named "Jock's trap".
Posted by: John | October 05, 2007 at 12:44 AM
Our first boat we named Harbinger (promise of things to come) because when we bought it it was our intention to buy a larger boat and move aboard and go cruising. Our next boat - which we now live aboard - we named Kanau (Ka-NAH-ou)a name which we found in a marlinspike manual. The Japanese Success Knot looks like a square on one side and a plus on the other - in cuneiform (sp?) the plus and the square spell the word Kanau which means "a dream fulfilled" We've lived aboard for 10 years and cruised all over the Chesapeake; to Florida 4 times and to the Bahamas twice. Kanau, our 1977 Morgan Out Island 41, has served us well, while she has undergone extensive modifications and upgrades. A few pictures can be seen on one of our websites:
Posted by: Cap'n Larry and Saltwater Suzi | December 11, 2007 at 04:53 PM
Our first boat we named Harbinger (promise of things to come) because when we bought it it was our intention to buy a larger boat and move aboard and go cruising. Our next boat - which we now live aboard - we named Kanau (Ka-NAH-ou)a name which we found in a marlinspike manual. The Japanese Success Knot looks like a square on one side and a plus on the other - in cuneiform (sp?) the plus and the square spell the word Kanau which means "a dream fulfilled" We've lived aboard for 10 years and cruised all over the Chesapeake; to Florida 4 times and to the Bahamas twice. Kanau, our 1977 Morgan Out Island 41, has served us well, while she has undergone extensive modifications and upgrades. A few pictures can be seen on one of our websites:
Posted by: Cap'n Larry and Saltwater Suzi | December 11, 2007 at 04:54 PM
My all time (?)favorite(?) power boat name is: Master Baiter. No one gets our boat's name, LaLeLu. It's a German lullaby and of course there's a story that goes along with it, but I won't bore you with that. It is nice having the distinction of being the only USCG documented boat named LaLeLu. Can't say it's not original. Cheers! Susan
Posted by: Susan | February 21, 2008 at 08:03 AM
Knot Working is kinda funny, lol
Posted by: Boating Equipment | August 04, 2008 at 10:11 PM
how about Airgasm, Dip Ship or The Woman to Blame
Posted by: shell | December 28, 2008 at 02:37 PM